Newtons Cove and Nothe Gardens : JustWeymouth

Newtons Cove and Nothe Gardens Picture

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A picture of Newtons Cove and Nothe Gardens

Newtons Cove and the Nothe Gardens

Newtons cove is a small cove overlooking Portland breakwater, Portland harbour and the isles of Portland. It offers fantastic views across out towards Portland. Newtons cove is a lovely place for a walk and to enjoy some peace away from crowd packed Weymouth beach. The rockpools are full of wildlife whilst the close-by Nothe gardens that run alongside Newtons cove are a great place to relax and have a picnic. The walk-way along Newtons cove follows the coastline before winding in through the Nothe gardens around the edge of the Nothe Fort. After enjoying the Nothe gardens you can take the steps down to the harbour where you can walk along the stone pier or in the other direction back along Weymouth harbour. The whole area is one of the most delightful parts of Weymouth.

Newtons Cove, Nothe Gardens and the Nothe Fort

Newtons cove and the Nothe gardens are the ideal place to get away from the usual hustle and bustle around Weymouth Harbour, town and beach. The picture above shows the walk-way around the edge of the Nothe Gardens which heads towards the Nothe Fort. The small shingle beach and rockpools at Newtons cove can also be seen.
Nothe Gardens towards the Nothe Fort
Looking out towards the Nothe Fort along the footpath that runs from Newtons Cove.
The Nothe Gardens
A view from the Nothe Gardens.
Newtons Cove from the Nothe Gardens
Looking in the other direction from the Footpath at the Nothe Gardens.
Nothe Fort Caponier
The Nothe Fort Caponier from the Nothe Gardens.
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