Tyneham Village Post Office Row : JustWeymouth

Tyneham Village Post Office Row Picture

Tyneham Village Post Office Row
Tyneham Village Post office row was the only street in Tyneham. On Tynehams only street, you would find Tyneham post office and shop, Tyneham village church and churchyard, Tyneham village school for the villages children, various Tyneham cottages, Tynehams phone line and the villages flagpole. Leading off from Tyneham Post Office Row, other houses could be found as well as Tyneham rectory while a little further away was Tyneham farm and in Tyneham great wood, the valleys main house - Tyneham house/Tyneham greathouse.

A picture of Tyneham Village Post Office Row

Pictures of Tyneham Village - 'Tyneham Village Post Office Row'

Tyneham villages street was known as 'Postoffice row'. Tyneham Village post office row was the villages only street and led to Tyneham village school and Tyneham village church which was used by the villagers and the valleys owners. Tynehams postoffice row also led to all of the other houses in the village including Tyneham Rectory, Tyneham gardeners cottage, whose tenants looked after the gardens at Tyneham House, Tyneham laundry cottages, Tyneham post office and shop and the Tyneham school mistresses house. The cottages on Tynehams post office row and throughout Tyneham village have names relating to the work in which the tenants were employed and this was usually either helping to run Tyneham village or the wider estate or working up at the 'Big house' Tyneham great house, found in Tyneham great wood. Tyneham post offce row was also the location of the only telephone in Tyneham. The photo here shows Tynehams Postoffice row, the church, in the distance, just around the corner is Tyneham school and in the center of the photo is Tynehams telephone kiosk. As can be seen all of the remaining houses in Tyneham village are in ruins but the Tyneham church and Tyneham school have been fully restored. Tyneham school is set out as if the children have left their lessons for breaktime and still have coat pegs with the names of the villagers that were at the school when it closed, a few years before the residents left the village forever. Tyneham church is fully restored and includes detailed histories on the village and its inhabitants. A replica of the note pinned to the door of Tyneham church that was left by one of the villagers asking the army to treat the village with care can be seen. Tyneham village may now be a ghost village but walking down Tyneham village Postoffice row, it is easy to imagine yourself back in time when the Tyneham villagers would have been going about their daily business.
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