Worbarrow cottages : JustWeymouth

Worbarrow cottages Picture

Worbarrow cottages
This photo of Worbarrow shows Gatehouse cottages, the only ruin showing any resemblance of a cottage left at Worbarrow and can be found on the side of the track on the Tyneham walk to Worbarrow. Worbarrow Bay is just a short walk on from Tyneham village down towards the coast and on a warm sunny day is well recommended. Should you do the walk, you will be retracing the steps of many a happy Tyneham village child making their way down to their local 'Tyneham beach' of days gone by. Worbarrow Beach (or Tyneham beach) was regularly visited, especially by the children who attended Tyneham school who would have used worbarrow beach for recreation and nature studies. worbarrow Bay of course provided the livelihood for the Worbarrow fishermen and was also an idylic place for boat rides for the residents and in later years, visitors to Tyneham village.

A picture of Worbarrow cottages

Pictures of Tyneham Village - 'Worbarrow cottages'

One of the most popular Tyneham village walks is the walk from Tyneham village to worbarrow. From Tyneham Village, walk back towards the carpark and over the bridge to where Tyneham Farm is, then follow the track right which will take you to Worbarrow. The whole of the area was requisitioned in 1943 so the residents of worbarrow suffered the same fate as Tyneham village residents and the valleys owners when they were asked to give up their homes for the good of their country. The only worbarrow cottage that still stands in anything that could be recognised as a house is that of Gate cottages. Gate cottages is found on the side of the track just before you come to Worbarrow Bay. Standing here, you can see the cottage would have had fantastic views all across the Tyneham valley, Worbarrow Bay and the prominent Worbarrow Tout that sticks out into the sea. There are other remains of cottages and buildings around worbarrow Bay, these include the Millers cottage sat just above worbarrow beach with its amazing views across worbarrow Bay and the surrounding coastline. All that remains of the Millers cottage these days is the foundations, the rest having been demolished. There is also the odd reminder of where the boathouses once stood, close to the beach, one belonging to the Worbarrow fishermen and one to the Tyneham estate.
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