Portland Bill Flowers and Wildlife : JustWeymouth

Portland Bill Flowers and Wildlife Picture

Portland Bill Flowers and Wildlife
Portland Bill is a haven for wildlife. Much of the land is protected and left to nature allowing wild flowers to grow.

A picture of Portland Bill Flowers and Wildlife

Pictures of Portland - 'Portland Bill Flowers and Wildlife'

The land around Portland Bill is a haven for wildlife and flowers. This picture shows some of the landscape and flowers that grow naturally around the unfarmed land off Portland Bill. Taken just from the cliff edge close to Portland Bill, we also see some of the many huts that are scattered all around Portland Bill as well as the old Portland lower lighthouse - once the working lighthouse to ward off ships from the rocky shoreline, it is now used as the Portland Bird observatory having been replaced by the current red and white Portland Bill lighthouse. Portland Bill is a wonderful place for bird watching so its no surprise to find the Portland Bird Observatory there. Portland also has some of the most stunning coastal scenery in Dorset, it is very popular with climbers and ramblers and when a gale is blowing, waves crashing onto and over the cliffs around Portland Bill make for some very dramatic scenes.
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